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Harnessing Data for Climate Action

Our Presentation at the IEEP Panel at the EU Cities and Regions Week

At the IEEP panel at the EU Cities and Regions Week event held on September 26, 2023, we had the pleasure of addressing the audience in Brussels and discussing the pivotal role of collaboration between the private, public, and charity sectors in combating the climate crisis. In this blog description, we summarize our presentation, outlining key points and highlighting the importance of working together to drive climate action. We'll also include examples from [ui!] to illustrate these points.

1. Collaborative Efforts to Tackle the Climate Crisis:

In recent years, we have seen a growing recognition of the need for cooperation between the private, public, and charity sectors to harness data-driven applications in the fight against climate change. Here are some ways we at [ui!] are collaborating:

  • Data Sharing and Partnerships: [ui!] is partnering with public and charity organizations to share data and insights. For instance, in the City of Parramatta, Australia, the Council and [ui!] developed an integrated IoT data system to manage their brownfield development project. This system provided data for measuring climate and environmental impacts, real-time data for construction, and engagement tools for residents and businesses through open data dashboards.
  • Joint Research and Development: Public-private partnerships, like the European Union's Horizon EU program, enable collaborative research projects between academic institutions, private companies, and public organizations. [ui!] is already participating in two Data Space projects through Digital Europe, which guarantee trust, data sovereignty, and data discovery.
  • Co-creation and Pilots: [ui!] collaborates with public authorities and charities to co-create and pilot innovative projects. In the city of Bad Hersfeld, we co-created an infrastructure-backed intelligence-as-a-service smart street lighting funding model. This initiative not only saves energy costs but also enhances security and safety for residents returning home late at night.

2. Ensuring Public-Private Collaboration with Safeguards:

While involving the private sector in public decision-making is crucial, we emphasized the need for robust safeguards and measures. Some key considerations include:

  • Clear Governance Framework: [ui!] supports the establishment of clear governance frameworks that define roles and responsibilities, ensuring transparency and accountability in data-sharing initiatives.
  • Data Ethics and Privacy: [ui!] adheres to data governance policies and regulations to protect individual privacy and ensure ethical data usage. Agreements and protocols are established to govern data sharing, access, and usage, focusing on data anonymization and security.
  • Transparent Decision-Making Processes: [ui!] promotes transparency and openness in public-private collaborations, allowing for public input and avoiding conflicts of interest.
  • Data Sovereignty: [ui!] recognizes the importance of data sovereignty for local authorities to manage and maintain control over their data.

3. Making Cities and Regions 'Smart' in Tackling Climate Challenges:

To address the climate challenge, cities and regions can leverage data for various purposes:

  • Integrated Transportation Systems: [ui!] optimizes transportation networks, enhances traffic flow, and promotes sustainable modes of transportation.
  • Energy Management and Efficiency: [ui!] supports the implementation of smart grids and energy management systems to optimize energy distribution, monitor consumption patterns, and reduce carbon emissions.
  • Intelligent Waste Management: By implementing smart waste management systems, [ui!] helps cities optimize waste collection routes, monitor bin fill levels, and deploy resources more effectively.
  • Citizen Engagement and Empowerment: [ui!] enables citizen engagement through access to real-time data and digital platforms, fostering sustainability awareness and behaviour change.

Our presentation at the IEEP panel emphasized the critical role of collaboration between sectors, robust governance, and smart technologies in driving climate action. By working together and implementing innovative solutions, we can create sustainable, inclusive cities and regions that are well-prepared to address the climate crisis effectively.

To watch the panel in full please visit

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